Monday, August 6, 2012

Just Adjusting My Sails...

Just for starters I want everyone to know that the television commercial STOLE my theme song!  Clearly I had it first.  No respect!


Today was the big flag on the calendar.  I think I had it in my mind that EVERYTHING had to happen before today.  Why?  I don't know, maybe I've heard too many chemo horror stories.  I wanted to be stylish, yet comfortable so I bought a bunch of new clothes.  I wanted some sun on my skin before I have to go in to sunblock mode for 9 months.  I wanted a vacation for my family since I was in the hospital while we were suppose to be vacationing.  I wanted to see family and friends.  I wanted pedicures, hair colored and cut and I even wanted my free set of fake eyelash extensions :)

I figured that if I went into this as a fighter then I'd most certainly try to remain a fighter the entire time.  Brandon, that's the best way to explain all the new purchases!  He loves me :)

With the approval of the oncologist, Brandon and I (mostly Brandon) packed the kids up and headed to Saint George for a week with his parents at their own little mini resort in Entrada.  The kids had so much fun!  They had a bit of mud issues after the floods a few weeks ago.  Scott and Diane worked so hard to get everything looking perfect again for our family to come down.

You have to see the pictures to believe this place.

Diane makes some pretty killer meals in this kitchen.  We even had blueberry dessert!

There's Grandy, trying to take Katie's floaty away again ;)

Coolest theater room with a stage and karaoke. 

Can you tell I like the pool??


One of the best part about being diagnosed with cancer is that you get to physically see SO many family and friends.  Brandon and I were able to go to dinner with my brothers and uncle and spouses.  We had a lot of fun!  I have so many siblings that it makes it extra hard to see everyone, but no more excuses!
Added a little bling to this one.  Don't my oldest brothers look like my body guards?

Don't let the white pupils throw you off, we really are incredibly good looking.
Saint George was a blast!  Thanks Scott and Diane for providing us with so many fun things to do!


The following week meant lots of appointments.  Before chemo was to start I needed to make sure I got in to see a dentist ASAP.  During chemo they don't like you to have any dental work done because of the risk of infection.  I had a crown repaired and passed with flying colors on everything else.

I had appoinments to have my INR's checked to see how well my blood thinners are doing, etc...

Max had his kindergarten check-up.  He was super cute, but not happy about the shots.  I kissed it all better with a trip to Kmart and a new toy and a slurpee.  I'm the best mom!

I managed to squeeze a staff meeting in on Tuesday before I had a very important hair appointment.

Met with my surgeon and was given the go-ahead to wait until after chemo for my second colonoscopy.  Let's not forget that the cancer only allowed them to make it half way through on the first colonoscopy.  I get to go back and see what might be lingering on the other side.  I'm certain it has been behaving well and still looks nice and pretty :)  Yes, there are ugly colons and pretty colons- trust me!

I had a chemo class to go to that was pretty boring and I had already been told most of it all.  One thing I didn't know was that drinking anything cold would feel like glass in my throat!  Were they serious?  Don't they know I need my diet cranberry limeade with extra ice from Sonic DAILY???  Ergh!  Crampin my style I tell ya!  I can live with the port and the tubes and the pricks and injections, but really?  A girls gotta have her Sonic!

On Thursday I had my port placed at the big IMC hospital or the "mothership".  I was pretty nervous about pretty much nothing.  They had me higher than a kite while I was in the surgical room.  I really think they thought I was crazy- I'm sure you'll probably hear recordings of me being passed around on youtube soon.  I thought I was pretty hilarious....  The port itself is sore and very foreign.  I'm sure I'll get use to it.  She already has a name- it's Purdie Porty.

The large incision is where the port lies under the skin.  You can't really see it, but a small line runs upwards towards that smaller incision in my neck.  They make that small incision to access a large vein and they feed the line through the vein and down to my heart.  Easy Peasy!


Whitney went to her first year of girls camp and had a blast!  She tried to take me down with the "Miss Camp" award, but it looks like I still hold the title in this house ;)   Whit, you'll make a pretty bride and I have proven to make a beautiful woman who wears trash bags under her swimsuit.  What you don't see are my dad's shoes I was wearing from like 1940.  Oh yeah!  Maybe next year you should take your dad's shoes..... lol!  I love you Beaner and I am so glad to see your face again!  Muah!


Just when Brandon thought he had his whole family back and could enjoy a quiet weekend....  I decided to be spontaneous :)  My four older siblings had a brother who just got married in Alabama and was having an open house in Saint George for the cute new couple.  I decided to drive to Saint George with my sister's BFF on Saturday morning, help at the open house, and drive back home on Sunday.  It was nice and it certainly got my mind off chemo.  Here's some pics we snagged.

Suzy's boys chose to drive with me... I have better music!

Everyone's doing it.  Get dressed up and take a snapshot of yourself!
This was right before the open house.

Taking Kelly on a tour of the in-laws mini resort.


Chemo started today!  I got mad at Brandon for taking this, but I'm sure I'll like having them.  I didn't feel much at the clinic, now that I'm home I'm feeling the glass shards even with luke warm water.  I learned that sitting on a cold toilet was NOT going to be happening again.  I'm very sensitive to anything cold :(  My ears are ringing, I feel irritable and I DO have nausea- that's as far as I'll get into it.  

All Hooked up for 46 hours and even got my fanny pack  just like they promised :)  I was thinking I might throw on my "mom jeans", strap on my fanny pack and go to Smiths-  Just for kicks :)

Last but not least....  I'll be taking a picture every time I go in for treatments so I can see what's changing with me.  I say that on my first treatment day, let's see if I really end up doing this :)

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!  I love hearing from everyone and having the opportunity to see many of you.  I'm so motivated by everyone's kind words, thank you for the support!



  1. Dang that is quite a house! I wouldn't want to leave. How nice to have a relaxing week with no distractions. You look absolutely beautiful on your first day of chemo. I'd do exactly what you did. Shopping is just what a girl needs to feel better. Lots of LOVE & prayers for you & your family! -K now I'm off to do some version of an ugly cry. I so wish I could take some of this pain away for you:(.

  2. You look GORGEOUS! Geeze, you must be the prettiest chemo patient they've ever met. ;)
    And ps, I think maybe we should have a Cam Shy retreat at their "resort"... Or I guess you could just take me. ;) haha.
    Love you!

  3. So glad you were able to do some fun shopping and vacations before your (hell) chemo began. You are definitely one gorgeous patient! Hope the yuckiness of it all gets better fast! Love you!

  4. 1. Can I stay at Scott and Diane's? myself? For a week? Without kids? :) Just sayin'. That would be AMAZING.
    2. You're beautiful.
    3. You're strong and happy and positive and proof that you really CAN choose to see the glass as half full. Even in the face of uncertainty.
    4. The other night before family prayers my nine year old Tegan, who was about to pray, said, "We're still praying for that friend Becky, right?" ;) You're in our prayers every night.

    1. Oh! That's so sweet! And yes, I'm pretty sure we could arrange for you to visit Saint George ;)

  5. You are beautiful Becky!! I don't have the words to express how amazing you are, you are so amazing! I am so glad you were able to go to such a beautiful place for family, those pictures are breath taking! We think about you all the time and you are always in our prayers. I wish so much that I knew what we could do to help...please know that we want to help in anyway we can.

    Oh and yes...everytime I hear that commercial I think about you!!

    1. Thanks babe! Let's get the girls together before school starts!

  6. You are GOREGOUS!!! When I'm reading all the hard things you are going thru (you don't act like they are hard, you make it seem easy--But I picture going thru it and just imagining going thru it hurts me), You are one tough cookie! I'm just in awe at what a strong person you are! You are the cutest mother, sister, wife, friend, seriously you are too cute! I love you and hope you are hanging in there!

    1. Seneca, could you just follow me around and tell me how gorgeous I am all the time ;)??
